Definitely, the reliability of the web hosting service is one of the most crucial aspects that you should examine before you select a web hosting package, but also the account administration procedure shouldn’t be overly difficult. You would not want to switch between different admin panels all the time to perform some simple tasks, would you? With the most famous Control Panel tools, there are no less than 2 accounts for a website – hosting and billing, so you will need to log in and out of 2 different admin dashboards to register a brand-new domain name, then to host it and to upload the website files associated with it. It’d be much easier if you could manage everything related to your domains in a single place and spare a lot of time and energy, not to mention that it’d be far easier to complete particular tasks.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Website Hosting
If you order a website hosting plan from us, you’ll get access to a fully featured Domain Manager, which is part of our all-in-one Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You will be able to register a brand-new domain name and then to host it or park it, to enable Whois Privacy Protection or to edit its WHOIS info with just several mouse clicks. Using quick-access buttons, you will also be able to create a subdomain, a mailbox or a database, to keep an eye on web traffic stats, to access the web files or to order a new SSL. All features are conveniently assembled and are accessible in one place, which will spare you plenty of time, so you will never have to log out of the Domain Manager. You won’t experience any difficulties, as we’ve included help articles and training videos to reveal the maximum potential of our domain management tool.