One-Hour Response Guarantee
Discover a lot more about the 1-hour response time guarantee and how you, as the customer, may benefit from it.
If you ever encounter a problem with your site and are incapable of resolving it on your own, ask the web hosting provider’s customer care staff to help you get the website back online. A prompt solution would be the perfect scenario, but a lot of companies respond within 24 hours and even more, especially if you’re working with a reseller. Even if the problem can be resolved quickly, your website may not work correctly or it may not be accessible at all for a lengthy span of time, so you may lose prospective clients as it is very unlikely that anyone would be willing to come back to a site that’s out of order. Therefore, you need to make sure not only that you can touch base with your hosting provider, but also that they can respond and help you in a well-timed fashion. If a web app update doesn’t proceed smoothly or you erase something by accident, for instance, the site must be fixed speedily in order to prevent lengthened unavailability.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting
With a
website hosting from us, you can forget about waiting for hours and hours on end, or even all day, to obtain an answer to an email or a trouble ticket. Irrespective of when you contact us, we’ll reply to you within no more than 60 minutes with any sales and technical inquiries that you might have. In reality, our actual response time scarcely ever surpasses 20-30 minutes. As we are at your service around the clock, you will always obtain help in a timely manner and we are aware of how crucial this is in the online era. As soon as you contact us, we will respond to your enquiries. If you stumble upon any technical complication, we’ll take care of it on your behalf, or we will give you all the necessary information if there is something that you have to do on your end.